As I was reading the concept on community, found in chapter 5, I came across the term generalized other. It is how we see ourselves perceived in social settings and attitudes of groups in social settings.
I volunteered as a grant writer for a neighborhood association for five years. During that time I encounter a lot of interaction with the community, which was under represented. I believe that at first I was perceived as an outsider who didn’t understand what they were going through. I perceived that there was a lot of animosity in the group. This made me feel out of place and in turn my attitude and actions when interacting with this group were effected.
It took some time for me to realize that my own perception of how they felt about me was wrong. They had many people come into the position I was in and did not have good results. So my misinterpretation of their attitude was misguided and it took some time for me to come to this conclusion.
[Watch *HD*] In the Heart of the Sea Full Movie
[Watch *HD*] In the Heart of the Sea (2015 Full Movie
[image: In the Heart of the Sea]
Based on the incredible true story that inspired Moby Dick
6 years ago