Friday, September 19, 2008

Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory (AUM)

In chapter 10 Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory (AUM) is discussed applying intercultural settings with some of the axioms and theorems of uncertainty reduction theory. Berger’s uncertainty reduction theory caused me to question if intercultural attributes were factored in. Griffin (2008) defines AUM theory as, “an intercultural theory that claims high levels of uncertainty and anxiety lead to greater misunderstanding when strangers don’t communicate mindfully” (p. 132). The text goes on to state the AUM theory differs in 5 different ways. They are anxiety, effective communication, multiple causes of anxiety/uncertainty, lower and upper thresholds for fear and doubt, and mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a term I have come across a lot in my studies. It makes sense that if you are open minded and don’t stereotype regarding gender, ethnicity, and/or other factors such as age. When being mindful it makes sense that anxiety and uncertainty will be reduced. But I have to say that Berger’s theory of uncertainty reduction also makes sense. It is like I am caught in between and couldn’t choose a theory if I had too. In my opinion Berger’s theory can be used to predict in western cultures and Gudykunst theory could be used to be an effective communicator in diverse environments.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Theorems of Uncertainty Reduction Theory

I found the axioms in chapter 10 quite interesting. They are all part of Berger’s Theorems of Uncertainty Reduction Theory. You can find this on page 128 -129. There is a chart labeled Figure 10-1, where you can determine the correlation of two axioms at intersection. For instance, axiom 3 (Information Seeking) and axiom 4 (Self-Disclosure) intersect at a minus sign. This means that as one increases the other will decrease. So I interpret this to mean if someone shows an increased interest (Information Seeking), that person tends to disclose (Self-Disclosure) very little about themselves. I can find that true if axiom 7 (Liking) doesn’t become a factor. If I reflect on my own life experience Self-Disclosure will increase if Liking increases and it shows that on the chart as being true. This chart really helped me understand the correlation between axioms of Berger's Theorems of Uncertainty Reduction Theory.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Personality Structure: A Multilayered Onion

Social Penetration Theory of Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor is defined as, “the process of developing deeper intimacy with another person through mutual self-disclosure and other forms of vulnerability” (Griffin, 2008, p. 114). The one aspect of this theory that caught my attention was Personality Structure: A Multilayered Onion. The example of the layers of an onion and how they represent the way we disclose personal information to those we encounter was an excellent example. This theory rings true to the experiences I have had throughout my life.

The personality structure is define as, “Onion-like layers of beliefs and feelings about self, others, and the world; deeper layers are more vulnerable, protected, and central to self-image” Griffin, 2008, p. 114). When I first meet someone I disclose very little about my beliefs, fears, goals, and preferences. As I get to know them I will share more information. So if you asked someone I just met to describe the type of person I am they would have a different description of me than say someone who has known me for several years.


Griffin, E. (2008). A First Look At Communication Theory. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.